California Dental Insurance – Teething and Its Symptoms
There can be many different symptoms and signs that your baby may be teething. Since all babies are different it is hard to say what your baby may do when teething. Listed are some of the signs that seem to appear when a baby is teething, you should always still check with your doctor to make sure your baby is teething and to rule out any other possible causes.
1) Fussy or Irritable: Do to the baby teeth coming in your baby gums may become sore and painful.
2) Coughing: Coughing can happen due to excess saliva during teething.
3) Drooling: Teething may stimulates drooling
4) Chin Rash: If you have a baby drools a lot then the baby saliva can cause a rash around the chin and mouth. This however can be avoided by cleaning the excess drool off of your baby chin and mouth.
5)Biting or chewing: They do this to help with the teething and to relive any pain.
6) Not sleeping well
7) Cold like symptoms and low-grade fevers. Note see a doctor on this symptoms to make sure it is teething and a different issues.